Sicily, Etna, mafia

On the way to Sicily, the biggest biggest island of the Mediterranean, I was both excited and nervous. Is it easy to wander in southern Italy where the mafia was born! Moreover, as far as I have learned from the guide, the mafia is not completely cleaned in contrary to what is thought to be in Italy, especially in the Sicily region. Mafia fathers still exist and are very esteemed!

The magnificent funeral ceremony held in Rome for the mafia father Vittorio Casamonica in 2015 supports what the guide said. While the coffin was placed in a horse-drawn carriage, the music of the movie “father” was played in the background. Police were accompanied to the funeral, which was transported to the cemetery while roses were falling from the helicopter to the coffin, cutting traffic and leading to the funeral. Vittorio Casamonica, sent off with banners that say, “Conquer Rome, Conquer Heaven.” The funniest event of this funeral, which proves what the mafia can still buy, was that the mayor and police chief did not know that the police were accompanying the funeral. The people also believed!

In the streets of Sicily, the types in the father movie are inevitable. In fact, they are young guys with dark hair, medium height, and usually mustaches, quite like Turkish. Middle-aged and older men, on the other hand, are dark-haired, with a belly, either passing the girls who sit at the corner, filtering gossip, or playing paper at a table thrown on the sidewalk, talking to the shouts. Married women are not in the middle. He’s probably cleaning at home and rolling out dough. Family is very important in Sicily, large families must have been a tradition dating from the mafia, interconnected and disadvantaged families and yet there is violence in Italy, the same as in Turkey. As you go south, this situation becomes even more serious.

The crushing situation of these women, which I heard from both my friends and the guide, supports the interview of Ayşe Arman with the group “DIV4S” consisting of Italian sopranos. In the interview, he writes: In Italy, there is a primitive understanding such as “Women should do what men say.” Otherwise, the man will commit violence! And he would be right. Even if women are raped and harassed, they cannot make their voices heard. Why? Because they are afraid. Because they think they can’t get a result. They are afraid of being exposed to more violence and being outrageous to the environment. Here is the situation of handsome, romantic flirtatious Italian men shown by fingers… The sad truth of patriarchal societies…

Anyway let’s get back to Sicily….

Etna’s moment of explosion from the International Space Station

Our first stop is the volcano Etna, the highest active volcano in Europe. In Etna, which is one of the most dangerous volcanoes since it erupts continuously, there is a continuous gas output from approximately 250 craters. If you ask when was the last time it exploded; last Thursday, just as the BBC was shooting. Ten tourists were injured in the explosion Thursday, although an orange alarm was given because he started spraying lava and ash two days ago. What can I say? Oops, I missed it!

My first meeting with the volcanoes was in Iceland. I was afraid then wondered but still did not dare to go to the crater. Years later, a volcano in Iceland erupted and 17 countries closed the airspace as ash clouds traveled across Europe. Tens of thousands of flights have been canceled.

I was in Milan on the day of the explosion and I was stuck there. Also, the World Health Organization did not warn you not to go out if the volcano erupted in Iceland starts to fall from the sky? My mother called every day and begged to go out on the street. Of course, I went out to the street, protecting myself with an umbrella in my hand! I was stuck in Italy at the beginning of forty years, will I sit at the hotel? I am always in a state of rust with the volcanoes you will understand. One of the things that excited me the most when I decided to go to Sicily was that I was finally going to the crater.

It took about 1.5-2 hours to get from Catania to Etna by bus. As it came out, the air temperature dropped. It is a place to say if we are frozen. Etna is a huge jet black mountain. If there is no fog, you can have a wonderful view of Catania from the top while sipping your espresso. There are tourist facilities around Silvestri Crater, where buses depart. This is not the dangerous hill of Etna. The main crater that comes out of the smoke is not allowed because it is very dangerous.

Town of Taormina with Volcano Etna Volcano

We collected lots of ash from the inactive crater, but unfortunately we could not see a live gas outlet. Etna tour did not satisfy me very much.

I think Taormina is the most impressive place on the island of Sicily. As you climb this small but fascinating medieval town built on the rocks, you are fascinated by the scenery. This town, which will fill you with happiness, is perfect for those who like to get lost in the streets and discover hidden corners.

It is a very romantic place with its ancient Greek theater, narrow streets, cozy cafes, shops and viewing terraces. Richard Burton didn’t choose this place to propose to Elizabeth Taylor. When we go out, shouldn’t it rain like a glass? We took shelter right under the balcony of a house. The flowers hanging from the balconies, the water flowing from the edges, the escape of people from the rain with laughter… What a beautiful thing, though rain, I enjoyed watching what happened in Taormina. We also ate “Arancini” after the rain; My palate burned from the heat but I didn’t care, it was awesome! Arancini resembles a giant kibbeh. Mozzarella, peanuts, ground beef, shrimp, peas, etc. into rice balls fried in hot oil. various materials can be placed. It is most enjoyable to eat Arancini not on a plate, but on a napkin and eating a standing toast snack.

Do you like pottery, ceramics, terracotta products? I didn’t have a special fondness until I went to Caltagirone. This is the center of terracotta products, ceramics. You can also participate in workshops while visiting dozens of stores selling these products.

Many parts of the city are covered with these products. Ceramic tables, chairs, door numbers and even ceramic steps. If these Italians do not eat, drink or receive education, please do the same. How can a nation be so enjoyable and so creative? Let’s find out.

Scala Santa Maria del Monte, Caltagirone

In other words, who would think of covering the steps in the city with various types of ceramics with different motifs? Do not return without seeing the steps of Scala Santa Maria del Monte, please from Sicily. Caltagirone is a colorful photography paradise.

Siracusa (Siracusa), another must-see city, is located in an important archaeological site that was established as a colonial state in Ancient Greek era.

The ear of Dyonisios, Greek theater, Roman amphitheater and Aretusa Fountain can be visited here.

The city “Piazza Armerina” was born in the 11th century under the rule of the Normans. “Villa Romana Casale”, located about 3 km from the city, is a summer residence of a Roman nobility. This villa, built during the Roman empire, where you can see the richest and largest Roman mosaics in the world, is on the UNESCO world heritage list.


While traveling here, I was very impressed at two points, or rather surprised. One of them is examining the mosaics of the place thought to be a gym. I was amazed to see that women in the mosaics centuries ago were working with weights on their hands and exhibiting their muscular bikinis in a competition and receiving awards. Another thing I was surprised was the vomit well. During the Roman Empire, parties lasted for days, eating food and drinking wine without stopping, then vomiting to empty the stomach, eating food and drinking wine again.

The pleasure was above all in the Roman empire. Sexuality; When it is needed, when it is necessary to drink water, to eat, whenever it dies, it is lived everywhere in the street or in the park. The life of these nobility is natural, and there were slaves at that time, I want to neither write nor think what they lived. Today’s Italians also seem to be trying to continue the legacy of the Roman Empire, what do you think?

Note: This article was previously published in the Media Diary.
Images: WikimediaCommons, Flickr